+ [2019-04-04T07:44:56Z] wildermind https://github.com/enigmampc/enigma-p2p/commits/master
+ [2019-04-04T07:45:02Z] wildermind does my question makes sense?
+ [2019-04-04T07:56:31Z] hendry doesn't github have it's own CI tooling?
+ [2019-04-04T08:53:40Z] snfgf when i look at SSH keys in my github profile i see an id string ab:cd:ef (etc.)
+ [2019-04-04T08:53:44Z] snfgf what format is this ID?

message no. 171473

Posted by wildermind in #github at 2019-04-04T07:44:56Z

+ [2019-04-05T07:27:02Z] no_gravity Is there a way to create custom labels for issues?
+ [2019-04-05T14:19:23Z] finkfox hi. is it possible to call a "git log" on a remote repository without downloading/cloning the repo to the local machine?
+ [2019-04-05T14:52:23Z] vinesh ls
+ [2019-04-05T14:52:50Z] vinesh hello