+ [2019-05-01T09:25:39Z] pd09041999 https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
+ [2019-05-01T13:20:08Z] no_gravity Is there a way to find projects that use a specific framework on Github?
+ [2019-05-01T16:24:54Z] zodd When writing a Gist code can be quoted and syntax highlighted. using backquotes and the languagename. Such as ```perl
+ [2019-05-01T16:25:16Z] zodd how does this work for Windows shell scripting? (both command.com & powershell)
+ [2019-05-01T16:25:40Z] zodd ie: what are the correct ´names´ for these please?

message no. 172041

Posted by ibn-batot in #github at 2019-05-01T08:29:20Z

anyone here alive/active ?
+ [2019-05-02T04:09:11Z] dfcnvt I've recently setup my ssh to github...and this is what I get: https://i.imgur.com/WWHr8TZ.png
+ [2019-05-02T04:09:43Z] dfcnvt So, I guess I'm done with my setup with ssh? If so, then how do I test it out by uploading/deleting/updating the file to github via ssh?
+ [2019-05-02T04:12:19Z] dfcnvt (Is this channel active? So quiet here)
+ [2019-05-02T07:04:26Z] FingerlessGloves dfcnvt, you don't SSH github, you use the commandline tool git, which uses the SSH protocol basically. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/start-using-git.html
+ [2019-05-02T11:18:19Z] HewloThere hey, i was wondering how i can get the "abbreviated" commit id from the full commit id? i.d. 360ba7a is the shorthand one and the 360ba7a4570a5ac6eb4cbadf0a8c38cf52e70c94 is the long.