+ [2019-05-24T18:22:06Z] jhass https://github.com/github/hub allows you to just do hub checkout <url to pr>
+ [2019-05-24T18:22:44Z] stemid_ huh interesting. thanks
+ [2019-05-24T18:23:05Z] jhass else just follow the "command line instructions" next to the merge button for step 1, but don't do step 2
+ [2019-05-24T18:24:17Z] stemid_ oh I never noticed that link. that's exactly what I needed.
+ [2019-05-24T23:17:56Z] oo_miguel is it possible to add a public key (allowing direct pushes) only to a single specific repository or does it only work account-wide?

message no. 172589

Posted by stemid_ in #github at 2019-05-24T18:20:42Z

hey for handling PRs, testing them locally before merging, is it possible or even realistic to checkout the PR branch from repoB to my local repoB and create the bugfix branch locally without merging into my local master?
+ [2019-05-26T02:58:16Z] CarlFK is there some way to upload/host images on the wiki using the webi ui?
+ [2019-05-26T10:16:04Z] dementorr Hello! Is there a way to hide public commits on Github? Private are already hidden, but I'd like to also hide the public ones (personal reasons)...
+ [2019-05-26T19:59:00Z] antimatroid any chance of allowing master as the branch name instead of gh-pages for project pages (not personal/organisation pages)?
+ [2019-05-26T19:59:51Z] antimatroid I would personally keep allowing gh-pages for backwards compatibility purposes, but it's quite tiring remembering both, would be nice to be able to just use master as the branch name for any static site
+ [2019-05-26T20:00:10Z] antimatroid especially helpful for my site manager https://nifty-site-manager.com