+ [2019-07-01T15:00:16Z] amcclure file_get_contents(https://api.github.com/users/(username)/repos): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden.
+ [2019-07-01T15:00:40Z] amcclure Is there something I need to have for it to work in script?
+ [2019-07-01T16:43:02Z] zenix_2k2 question, if i am trying to push my project to a repo, will it overwrite my repo with my entire project or just add in new files ( if there are )
+ [2019-07-01T16:50:17Z] zenix_2k2 nvm, i think i got it
+ [2019-07-01T23:01:38Z] kexec please how to set git so the commits would be linked with my github account (like if i commited from github website)?

message no. 174069

Posted by zenix_2k2 in #github at 2019-07-01T16:50:17Z

nvm, i think i got it
+ [2019-07-02T00:20:13Z] nedbat keden: git config user.email <the email address github knows you by>
+ [2019-07-02T09:26:35Z] lpapp hi, is there an integrated solution like github that one can deploy on an own server? By integrated, I mean, code review, git, documentation, issue tracker, etc.
+ [2019-07-02T09:29:56Z] canton7 well there's github, but also gitlab, bitbucket, and I'm sure others
+ [2019-07-02T09:30:28Z] canton7 (well, to be fair, you'd probably want to use bitbucket alongside jira and confluence). gitlab has a built-in wiki and issue tracker though
+ [2019-07-02T09:38:05Z] lpapp canton7: many thanks.