+ [2019-07-05T16:14:08Z] rindvieh Hi, can anybody tell me why 'curl https://api.github.com/repos/Wordpress/WordPress/releases?per_page=60' yields an empty result?
+ [2019-07-05T16:35:36Z] canton7 rindvieh, because there are no releases? https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/releases
+ [2019-07-05T16:35:54Z] canton7 (those are just tags - a release requires someone to click some buttons, upload some files, etc)
+ [2019-07-05T16:48:00Z] rindvieh canton7: I see

message no. 174099

Posted by rindvieh in #github at 2019-07-05T16:48:13Z

+ [2019-07-06T23:41:24Z] R2robot beep boop
+ [2019-07-06T23:41:35Z] Atlenohen so I clicked on Related Issued BETA, how do I get out of the beta, settings or I need to edit cookies?
+ [2019-07-08T06:58:42Z] Crash1hd I was pushing to GitHub without issue now for some reason it says I am no longer able to. I have tried both https and ssh yet I still am not able to push?
+ [2019-07-08T07:04:27Z] R2robot what's the error?