+ [6 years ago] cixx i couldn't find any documentation mention this
+ [6 years ago] cixx at yaml doc, it doesn't seem as mistake. i checked on online validators and yaml file seem correct but jekyll doesn't accept
+ [6 years ago] cixx at yaml doc, it doesn't seem as mistake. i checked on online validators and yaml file seem correct but jekyll doesn't accept

message no. 174177

Posted by xmn in #jekyll at 2019-07-13T04:47:57Z

Is that the output from jekyll?
+ [4 years ago] psprint Hi. How to prevent stripping of tags from sidebar so that <br/> works?
+ [4 years ago] psprint Could anyone help me?
+ [4 years ago] psprint How to make --drafts ignore unix backup "files~" ?
+ [4 years ago] allejo try specifying the file pattern in `exclude` of _config.yml
+ [4 years ago] jaybe _drafts will be read with or without front matter or proper filename structure