+[2014-01-29T01:17:57Z]pontikii have a planet news site that runs an update every 4 hours, and a comic scraper that runs once a day +[2014-01-29T01:18:56Z]pontikifor my blog, which is running octopress currently, i modified some of the rake tasks and added some +[2014-01-29T01:19:08Z]pontikimakes it fit my personal blog workflow +[2014-01-29T01:19:29Z]pontikii don't use the watch or serve stuff at all anymore +[2014-01-29T04:40:28Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2794 (master) The build has errored. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/17815686
+[2014-01-30T18:04:44Z]CheckeredMichaelHi all, just started on IRC and about to try out Jekyll so thought I would give both a go at the same time :) +[2014-01-30T18:06:04Z]jaybeCheckeredMichael, welcome! howdy! +[2014-01-30T18:55:06Z]pfenwickCheckeredMichael: Welcome indeed. :) +[2014-01-30T19:04:07Z]CheckeredMichaelI've just installed it on Windows and I just want to say that even though I'm happy I got it working, it was a bit of a pain... +[2014-01-30T19:04:42Z]jaybeusing windows is... painful :)