+ [2019-09-27T15:50:41Z] jhass amosbird: I don't think you can, open a new one from the same branch :)
+ [2019-09-27T18:41:49Z] energizer is there a way to link to the latest *release* of a project on github, without explicitly using the specific number?
+ [2019-09-27T19:00:43Z] vdamewood energizer: Make it a branch?
+ [2019-09-27T19:01:30Z] energizer vdamewood: apparently the feature exists already :) https://help.github.com/en/articles/linking-to-releases
+ [2019-09-27T19:02:08Z] vdamewood energizer: Much better,

message no. 174788

Posted by energizer in #github at 2019-09-27T18:41:49Z

is there a way to link to the latest *release* of a project on github, without explicitly using the specific number?
+ [2019-09-29T11:16:22Z] Atlenohen Github should have some kind of automatic fork rebasing feature which would rebase the fork when upstream is updated simultaneously, and report each issues/conflicts that need to be sorted out manually, per commit
+ [2019-09-29T18:18:05Z] shoukran I am connected to github through ssh, however whenever i try to push i get asked for my passphrase twice. any idea why?
+ [2019-09-29T19:02:53Z] R2robot shoukran: are you not using an agent? like ssh-add
+ [2019-09-29T20:11:14Z] b1tninja there any support for something like monitoring of remotes, or submodules?
+ [2019-09-29T20:12:44Z] b1tninja betting no