+ [2014-02-01T20:12:51Z] kaffeebohne Can someone point me in the right direction to write a generator which just writes a line to a file? I kinda don't really get it.
+ [2014-02-01T22:37:29Z] kaffeebohne Well, it worked … 1 time? o.0
+ [2014-02-01T22:48:35Z] kaffeebohne Does jekyll first process {% include ... %}s before the generators?
+ [2014-02-01T22:51:48Z] kaffeebohne Ok, the tweet is generated into the _includes/tweet-wigdet.html file, but the {% include tweet-widget.html %} gives back nothing, so i guess that is the case :/

message no. 17594

Posted by mxmasster in #jekyll at 2014-02-01T04:22:21Z

jaybe: okay that makes sense
+ [2014-02-02T04:08:04Z] jclrb "jekyll new abc123" results in an error: "/usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/fileutils.rb:250:in `mkdir': Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/extensions/x86-linux/2.1.0/sqlite3-1.3.8 (Errno::EACCES)"
+ [2014-02-02T04:08:08Z] jclrb Anyone know what that's all about?
+ [2014-02-02T04:08:44Z] jaybe have permission to create directories in cwd?
+ [2014-02-02T04:09:26Z] jclrb Yeah, it's in my own home folder and I made sure to double check it
+ [2014-02-02T04:09:50Z] jaybe jekyll version?