+[2020-02-19T16:43:24Z]davisSeveas: yes, i can login now. many thanks +[2020-02-19T22:11:30Z]mertyildiranHi, what could be the reason for this error in the CI? https://github.com/chaos-lang/chaos/runs/456387606 Seemed like a problem in the mirrors to me. +[2020-02-19T22:12:03Z]mertyildiranI mean GitHub Workflows by CI. +[2020-02-19T22:26:57Z]mertyildiranOK I re-run it for the third time and now it passed strange... +[2020-02-19T23:15:12Z]JayDoubleu##linux
only github actions is not in the green yet on the statuspage
+[2020-02-20T19:25:22Z]CarlFKis there a "click here to open an issue about this line" ? +[2020-02-20T19:25:37Z]CarlFKif not, make it so. :p +[2020-02-20T20:27:48Z]lewix➜ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa +[2020-02-20T20:27:49Z]lewixCannot download keys without provider +[2020-02-20T20:38:39Z]CyberMentHi, I'm trying to clone a repository to my computer with all the branches in tact. I am using git clone --mirror <repository>