+[2020-04-13T23:39:21Z]jilBtbN. Thank you for the notice. I look quickly in git-lfs. but I don't need to version control that 'large' file. I'm doing visualisation using d3.js on observablehq.com and they offert to load some data from third party among wich github. +[2020-04-13T23:39:52Z]jilIf I could I would not use git for this. +[2020-04-13T23:40:45Z]BtbNThat's beyond stupid then. git is not made for large data files, and due to that is terrible at it. +[2020-04-13T23:40:50Z]BtbNGithub bans large files for a reason +[2020-04-13T23:40:55Z]BtbNeven 50M is already way too large
lineos: browse to the commit and add .diff or .patch to the url
+[2020-04-14T10:47:31Z]is_nullhi all, is there any way to remove that a repo was forked from another ? it generates wrong pull request link +[2020-04-14T10:47:55Z]is_nullreally it's very different : This branch is 591 commits ahead, 220 commits behind coderholic:master. +[2020-04-14T10:48:02Z]is_nullrepo: https://github.com/jazzband/django-cities-light +[2020-04-14T10:52:34Z]jhassIn my opinion it's still nice to show that attribution but you could just delete the fork, create a new repository by the same name and git push +[2020-04-14T10:53:21Z]is_nulli'm all for showing the attributions, but having all generated PR links wrong is a really high price to pay