+ [2020-04-21T22:10:14Z] nedbat user216_: git hooks don't go on github. You have to ask your team members to install them in their own repos
+ [2020-04-21T22:11:34Z] user216_ nedbat: own repos - you mean local git-tracking directories?
+ [2020-04-21T22:12:17Z] nedbat user216_: your co-workers have cloned repos to their machines. they have to install the hooks into those local repos.
+ [2020-04-21T22:14:27Z] user216_ nedbat: anyway , look like that in this case I need to make some copy-paste-like instruction and put it in to github

message no. 179630

Posted by nedbat in #github at 2020-04-21T22:10:14Z

user216_: git hooks don't go on github. You have to ask your team members to install them in their own repos
+ [2020-04-22T03:03:44Z] marz There's a commit in my repo with a long commit message. How do I view it. The message is cut short with ... indicating there is more but it is unclickable
+ [2020-04-22T06:25:44Z] twb Can I create a repo by just pushing to it, or do I need to use a web browser?
+ [2020-04-22T06:26:48Z] twb https://help.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/create-a-repo doesn't mention it, so maybe I just dreamed it
+ [2020-04-22T06:30:23Z] drleviathan I think on github you first create an empty repo in the browser. Then you can clone it, modify, and push to it.
+ [2020-04-22T06:30:44Z] drleviathan Or you could fork an empty repo, then clone it.