+ [2020-05-02T18:57:16Z] nedbat Henry151: my way would means the information is not apparent, but is still in there somewhere for people who know how to dig and get it (at least for a little while)
+ [2020-05-02T18:58:36Z] oprypin theres no better way, certainly not the other suggested one
+ [2020-05-02T18:59:50Z] nedbat oprypin: filter-branch is no good?
+ [2020-05-02T19:08:23Z] oprypin nedbat, it'll do the same as your suggestion in the case of just having committed it, but is just very advanced

message no. 180145

Posted by oprypin in #github at 2020-05-02T18:58:36Z

theres no better way, certainly not the other suggested one
+ [2020-05-03T06:50:40Z] zenix_2k2 question, is there a version of Github desktop app for Linux ? i can't seem to find one here --> https://desktop.github.com/
+ [2020-05-03T08:29:28Z] jhass zenix_2k2: there's something unofficial https://github.com/shiftkey/desktop
+ [2020-05-03T10:28:04Z] pat64 I can't view currently saved GitHub Actions caches, can I?
+ [2020-05-03T19:49:44Z] SuperLag Does GitHub not support ECDSA keys? I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out why my key isn't working