+ [2014-02-18T23:37:38Z] jaybe digilord, unfortunately, with redcarpet anyway- at this time- passing such option(s) are not possible via the fenced code block technique without a plugin or adaptation
+ [2014-02-18T23:38:01Z] digilord jaybe: Thanks
+ [2014-02-18T23:40:52Z] jaybe penibelst, hi. perhaps you'll know about this. i noticed the new support for Rouge. rouge purports to support specifications to tune rouge via query arguments, however i don't think jekyll respects/processes them. e.g. ```php?linenos=table ...
+ [2014-02-18T23:41:52Z] penibelst jaybe: sorry, I don’t know about it.
+ [2014-02-18T23:42:03Z] jaybe penibelst, no worries; thanks

message no. 19014

Posted by pfenwick in #jekyll at 2014-02-18T00:28:31Z

Hmm, it looks like for some reason my output isn't closing the <i> tag properly. Still investigating...
+ [2014-02-19T09:25:24Z] brookman32k hi. i'm trying to install jekyll on debian (wheezy). i have installed python-dev, gem, jekyll (gem) and json (gem). however i'm still getting this error message when trying to run it: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- json (LoadError)
+ [2014-02-19T09:25:40Z] brookman32k "gem list" shows that json is installed
+ [2014-02-19T09:27:23Z] brookman32k this is the whole error message: http://pastebin.com/uCL1g2TT
+ [2014-02-19T09:30:49Z] pontiki hum, brookman32k. Jekyll doesn't work with ruby 1.8
+ [2014-02-19T09:31:16Z] pontiki you need to upgrade your ruby to at least 1.9.3, i think