+ [2013-05-30T17:43:26Z] inque hello there!
+ [2013-05-30T17:43:58Z] inque fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
+ [2013-05-30T17:43:58Z] inque making rake gen_deploy. got ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Operation timed out
+ [2013-05-30T17:44:14Z] inque is it temporary? how can i manage deploying process?
+ [2013-05-30T20:47:27Z] zastaph would gollum run on a raspberry pi? does it take a lot of ressources

message no. 2378

Posted by inque in #jekyll at 2013-05-30T17:43:58Z

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
+ [2013-05-31T06:29:46Z] zastaph still curious if gollum is very memory or resource hungry, or would run alright on a raspberry pi
+ [2013-05-31T07:30:15Z] zastaph it seems that the thing that makes Gollum not work in ruby 2.0 is a simple hardcoded line: https://github.com/davispuh/grit/commit/1ca1edda3cfb81cf719fb92d50aff9596ca983c6
+ [2013-05-31T07:41:30Z] zastaph the issue is actually in Grit, that has 61 pull requests but no updates for a year :|
+ [2013-05-31T10:38:24Z] parkr mojobot tell inque The "operation timed out" error could have also been due to the GitHub issues yesterday. I lost ssh connectivity with them yesterday, too. You should be able to deploy now!
+ [2013-05-31T10:38:24Z] mojobot @parkr: Sodesu sensei sama!