latest 20 messages by inque

+ [2013-07-09T10:01:27Z] inque Hello?
+ [2013-07-08T19:34:37Z] inque Is there any possibility to count post reads?
+ [2013-07-08T14:14:03Z] inque Hello!
+ [2013-06-26T14:28:10Z] inque is there a tutorial how to transform aside into blog-roll like part? right under the footer. oh how to make it solid, without collapsion at least. thanks!
+ [2013-06-25T14:29:26Z] inque To be clear: i want to totally tweak my design. What should I read?
+ [2013-06-25T14:29:01Z] inque Want to turn off background on classic theme. How can i do this?
+ [2013-06-25T12:37:47Z] inque hello
+ [2013-06-24T17:01:16Z] inque pages?
+ [2013-06-24T15:16:12Z] inque It seems to me I've seen a light clean theme for Octopress without a dynamic sidebar. Have you seen it too?
+ [2013-06-24T10:45:09Z] inque also: does anyone know how to revert some commits back to history right?
+ [2013-06-24T10:41:00Z] inque So I'm just curious about it's state
+ [2013-06-24T10:40:50Z] inque I'm talking about twitter aside. I've read that since they updated their API Octopress stopped it's own aside "recent tweets"
+ [2013-06-24T10:31:21Z] inque Hello again! Is there an updated twitter aside or is it totally deprecated?
+ [2013-06-22T09:47:27Z] inque why it's disabled and will it work?
+ [2013-06-22T09:47:10Z] inque hello! does anyone know anything about twitter tweets in aside?
+ [2013-06-11T16:13:05Z] inque does anyone know where to store images for octopress? public/images?
+ [2013-06-11T16:12:15Z] inque hello!
+ [2013-06-06T15:48:22Z] inque ok
+ [2013-05-31T10:39:42Z] inque Octopress is so nice :)
+ [2013-05-31T10:39:10Z] inque I already translated dates to russian :)