+[2013-05-31T22:05:48Z]bretthe git part just seems a natural place to look for it +[2013-05-31T22:17:03Z]jaybeversus the filesystem? +[2013-05-31T23:36:57Z]bretI'm not sure, are those dates preserved across git clones and checkouts? +[2013-05-31T23:38:31Z]bretacross different os' and file systems? +[2013-05-31T23:39:05Z]bretthe date tied to the commit last affecting a file seems really precise
I'm not sure, are those dates preserved across git clones and checkouts?
+[2013-06-01T01:00:27Z]jaybewell, technically, if collect and presented as UTC, perhaps. thing is, technically, not everyone uses git or version control with/while publishing sites/apps. +[2013-06-01T02:08:59Z]jaybehmm test and features both work now. yay +[2013-06-01T14:12:49Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/compare/6296010c438c...b3908d5bf7cf +[2013-06-01T14:12:49Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1028 (master - b3908d5 : Parker Moore): The build passed. +[2013-06-01T14:12:49Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/7690213