+ [2013-06-01T13:18:17Z] t4nk496 can anyone tell me how to delete a post from octopress
+ [2013-06-01T13:19:41Z] t4nk496 can anyone tell me how to delete a post from octopress blog?
+ [2013-06-01T17:40:54Z] justinrummel t4nk496: published: false
+ [2013-06-01T19:45:46Z] jetienne justinrummel: he is gone for like 3hours :)

message no. 2470

Posted by justinrummel in #octopress at 2013-06-01T17:40:54Z

t4nk496: published: false
+ [2013-06-02T17:06:55Z] kaoD hi
+ [2013-06-02T17:07:15Z] kaoD I'm evaluating different static site generators
+ [2013-06-02T17:07:25Z] kaoD does Octopress regenerate the whole site or just relevant files?
+ [2013-06-02T17:20:25Z] texasmynsted1 I am curious to hear what you find after your evaluation.
+ [2013-06-02T17:21:31Z] texasmynsted1 (I think octopress has a caching mechanism, so would likely regenerate relevant files, but I am new to it so am not sure)