latest 20 messages by tomb_

+ [2013-12-19T13:40:48Z] tomb_ ah nice :)
+ [2013-12-19T13:30:22Z] tomb_ jekyll only really builds the site, doesn't really deploy it
+ [2013-12-19T13:30:12Z] tomb_ I would probably just manually do it
+ [2013-12-19T13:28:51Z] tomb_ bolster: copy/paste
+ [2013-12-19T10:33:20Z] tomb_
+ [2013-12-19T10:33:04Z] tomb_ copy/paste
+ [2013-12-16T12:32:43Z] tomb_ how are you generating your site?
+ [2013-11-05T21:53:27Z] tomb_ wish I had mac and cheese
+ [2013-11-05T21:49:19Z] tomb_ I fucked up my rbenv :)
+ [2013-11-05T21:25:32Z] tomb_ hence the directory listing with no _posts directory
+ [2013-11-05T21:25:23Z] tomb_ I don't
+ [2013-11-05T21:23:58Z] tomb_ nope this is my site I've had since pre jekyll 1.0
+ [2013-11-05T21:15:04Z] tomb_ is this a known issue? jekyll 1.3.0 trying to render non-existent posts?
+ [2013-06-19T14:09:57Z] tomb_ you can style headers in css tho (i.e. h1, h2, h3)
+ [2013-06-19T14:09:33Z] tomb_ not that I know of
+ [2013-06-19T14:09:27Z] tomb_ nope
+ [2013-06-19T13:48:37Z] tomb_ cool
+ [2013-06-19T13:47:35Z] tomb_ is it working now?
+ [2013-06-19T13:44:21Z] tomb_ I would also gem install redcarpet and put: markdown: redcarpet in the config
+ [2013-06-19T13:43:49Z] tomb_ rename _config.yaml to _config.yml