+ [2013-06-11T16:11:07Z] inque1 hello guys!
+ [2013-06-11T16:11:17Z] inque1 where to put images?
+ [2013-06-11T17:30:10Z] barraponto kramdown documents abbreviations in its syntax, but it's not working on my octopress instance
+ [2013-06-11T17:30:35Z] barraponto here's the docs http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/syntax.html#abbreviations
+ [2013-06-11T17:31:04Z] barraponto here's a sample where it is not processed (see the end of the post) http://barraponto.github.io/blog/2011/02/23/o-mau-exemplo-da-w3c/

message no. 2778

Posted by inque1 in #octopress at 2013-06-11T16:11:17Z

where to put images?
+ [2013-06-12T01:22:47Z] jmburgess Does anybody know how to do code blocks in numbered lists without reseting the numbering?
+ [2013-06-12T01:23:10Z] jmburgess (also Github doesn't seem to be listing issues as a possible option for the octopress github repo)
+ [2013-06-12T10:31:24Z] Ge0rG I want to have a nifty download page serving up files with short descriptions. is that possible to automate with octopress?
+ [2013-06-13T23:24:22Z] BenderCoin hey anyone in here using media players in octopress?
+ [2013-06-13T23:24:40Z] BenderCoin the video tag one built into it, does not play my files, incompat codec