latest 15 messages by inque1

+ [2013-06-11T16:11:17Z] inque1 where to put images?
+ [2013-06-11T16:11:07Z] inque1 hello guys!
+ [2013-06-06T15:46:37Z] inque1 could anyone help me with tags?
+ [2013-06-06T15:46:26Z] inque1 hello there!
+ [2013-06-06T13:54:28Z] inque1 I have already specified *
+ [2013-06-06T13:54:06Z] inque1 could you clear this up?
+ [2013-06-06T13:54:00Z] inque1 for example, I'm already specified this in my _config.yml, but analytics script is not in the <head> of the page somewhy
+ [2013-06-06T13:53:11Z] inque1 as i found out on the internets, GA id in _config.yml is not all you need to integrate octopress with GA
+ [2013-06-06T13:52:50Z] inque1 have one question about analytics
+ [2013-06-06T13:52:49Z] inque1 hello folks!
+ [2013-05-21T17:28:24Z] inque1 I have troubles with my new github repository name and url.
+ [2013-05-21T17:27:13Z] inque1 The question is do I have to generate pages with github automatic page generator?
+ [2013-05-21T17:26:25Z] inque1 I've created sub-repo under my company repo and now trying to deploy there my local imathis/octopress copy.
+ [2013-05-21T17:24:32Z] inque1 Almost new to Octopress and have some stupid question about deploying to github pages.
+ [2013-05-21T17:24:05Z] inque1 Hello everyone!