+[12 years ago]execat(Now I do know. I RTFMed) +[12 years ago]tomb_np +[12 years ago]tomb_it's the little bit of YAML config at the top of posts +[12 years ago]inquehello! +[12 years ago]inquedoes anyone know where to store images for octopress? public/images?
message no. 2779
Posted by inque in #jekyll at 2013-06-11T16:12:15Z
+[12 years ago]Sylvain_Gplop +[12 years ago]parkrmojobot ping +[12 years ago]mojobotPONG +[12 years ago]parkrmojobot tell execat You can find the documentation for jekyll at jekyllrb.com :) +[12 years ago]mojobot@parkr: Sodesu sensei sama!