+ [2014-07-15T20:05:31Z] ePirat how can I use a syntax highlighter?
+ [2014-07-15T20:05:48Z] ePirat the {% hightlight %} highlighter used is broken
+ [2014-07-15T20:06:04Z] ePirat it indents some lines really weird
+ [2014-07-15T20:47:41Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#3959 (dont-read-in-static-files) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/30017091
+ [2014-07-15T23:36:02Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] alfredxing/jekyll#21 (proof-site) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/alfredxing/jekyll/builds/30030958

message no. 29646

Posted by ePirat in #jekyll at 2014-07-15T20:05:31Z

how can I use a syntax highlighter?
+ [2014-07-16T01:45:41Z] sarkis hey guys, i am confused on the best way to download themes for jekyll, specifically looking at lanyon
+ [2014-07-16T01:46:57Z] sarkis im trying to do this in a way i can update easily... not sure this is going to work though
+ [2014-07-16T01:47:05Z] sarkis seems i need to just copy the entire repo?
+ [2014-07-16T01:50:11Z] sarkis anyne got a good idea on how to manage this /
+ [2014-07-16T02:06:23Z] Pandemic_Force sarkis: If it's a git repo you can just do git clone