+ [12 years ago] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/8183569
+ [12 years ago] fragje * jekyll 1.0.3
+ [12 years ago] fragje Anyone know if 1.0.3 require higher version of ruby then 1.8.7?
+ [12 years ago] jaybe fragje, it's developed against 1.9.3-p362. also known to work with 2.0.
+ [12 years ago] fragje Thanks. Then I guess thats the reason why I get a error: Invalid command name. when it tries to compile the default post it comes with. I'll try some more on updating Ruby :)

message no. 3145

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2013-06-18T02:24:22Z

[travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/compare/6825b8ad9f6c...58dacf796fd3
+ [12 years ago] daleharvey So I always seem to have problems getting syntax highlighting working
+ [12 years ago] daleharvey I have pygments installed, I have pygmens: true in my _config.yaml, I have some code inside {% highlight js linenos %}
+ [12 years ago] daleharvey and all that happens is <pre><code class="js">
+ [12 years ago] tomb_ you don't need to manually install pygments, it's packaged in the pygments.rb gem
+ [12 years ago] daleharvey any idea whats up? https://github.com/daleharvey/pouchdb/tree/website-redesign/docs is the site root