+ [12 years ago] glasser not the tradeoff I want to make, but looks great if you wanted to :)
+ [12 years ago] glasser it might be nice to mention this on http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/
+ [12 years ago] pontiki_ hmm, i read it in the docs someplace
+ [12 years ago] pontiki_ that is exactly what this means: "Github Pages for users and organizations uses the master branch like the public directory on a web server, serving up the files at your Pages url http://username.github.com. As a result, you’ll want to work on the source for your blog in the source branch and commit the generated content to the master branch"
+ [12 years ago] glasser ah, that's one of those sentences that makes perfect sense once I know the answer and is kind of vague before. But you're right.

message no. 3519

Posted by rob_ in #octopress at 2013-06-28T15:03:55Z

jaybe: ok cool, would it be possible for me to have multiple users and use a markdown editor to sort of emulate how wordpress works?
+ [12 years ago] cptloop Hey, could anyone take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17320019/octopress-blog-deploying-error-no-such-file-or-directory-public-posts-build ? I am completely lost trying to figure it out. Something about .coveragerc not found?
+ [12 years ago] Guiri Hi. We're using Octopress for a collaborative blog but I'm running into a permissions issue. Whenever I rake, the permissions are changed to user:user. If I set them to user:sharedgroup then, of course, my friend can also rake generate his posts.
+ [12 years ago] Guiri Also, what happened to https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues? I was going to check to see if there was a bug posted for Google Plus One failing on blog posts
+ [12 years ago] DoctorHobo Hi! I'm using rbenv 1.9.3-p194. I installed "jekyll-scholar" via "gem". When I run "rake generate" I get a LoadError for jekyll/scholar, but when I run "jekyll build" everything works fine (including the jekyll-scholar features). I'm guessing this has something to do with rake, but I'm a Ruby newbie. Any ideas?