+ [2013-06-30T03:08:07Z] Guiri Also, what happened to https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues? I was going to check to see if there was a bug posted for Google Plus One failing on blog posts
+ [2013-06-30T13:30:00Z] DoctorHobo Hi! I'm using rbenv 1.9.3-p194. I installed "jekyll-scholar" via "gem". When I run "rake generate" I get a LoadError for jekyll/scholar, but when I run "jekyll build" everything works fine (including the jekyll-scholar features). I'm guessing this has something to do with rake, but I'm a Ruby newbie. Any ideas?
+ [2013-06-30T15:00:57Z] parkr DoctorHobo: Is jekyll-scholar in your Gemfile?
+ [2013-06-30T15:01:01Z] parkr What error are you seeing?

message no. 3593

Posted by Guiri in #octopress at 2013-06-30T03:08:07Z

Also, what happened to https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues? I was going to check to see if there was a bug posted for Google Plus One failing on blog posts
+ [2013-07-01T01:06:34Z] palantir_ I'd like to have all the posts on the main page of the blog to have a read more link, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Google turns up nothing and paginate: 0 does not do it either. Any ideas?
+ [2013-07-02T17:10:23Z] dlazar Hi, looking for some Haml tips. I replaced my index.html in source/ with index.haml, but it's complaining about illegal nesting.
+ [2013-07-02T17:14:36Z] meeech dlazar: ola!
+ [2013-07-02T17:14:44Z] dlazar Ola!