+[2014-08-04T23:13:12Z]TrynemjoelCan you roll back or are you hosting on Github? +[2014-08-04T23:16:04Z]bretim hosting on github +[2014-08-04T23:17:09Z]bretyay "Starting with Jekyll v2.0, relative_permalinks will default to false, meaning all pages will be built using the absolute permalink behaviour. The switch will still exist until v2.0." +[2014-08-04T23:17:41Z]bretwhere do we update the docs? +[2014-08-04T23:21:02Z]TrynemjoelGithub?
Anyone here using github-pages gem for their site? I can't seem to get my bundle install to use 2.2.0, it just installs/uses 1.5.1.
+[2014-08-05T00:01:29Z]bretwow fuck +[2014-08-05T00:01:42Z]breti literally have to get rid of my subfolders +[2014-08-05T00:09:59Z]jaybebret, what is the issue? +[2014-08-05T00:10:16Z]bretso setting the permalink is broken now too +[2014-08-05T00:10:29Z]brethttps://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2691