+ [2013-07-02T20:46:40Z] mattr i'm afraid that won't work in practice
+ [2013-07-02T23:10:09Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1201 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/8677347
+ [2013-07-02T23:10:34Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll-import#73 (master - ece1cec : George Anderson): The build passed.
+ [2013-07-02T23:10:34Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/8677421
+ [2013-07-02T23:10:34Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import/compare/ffd968f40f56...ece1ceccb0cb

message no. 4006

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2013-07-02T23:10:34Z

[travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import/compare/ffd968f40f56...ece1ceccb0cb
+ [2013-07-03T07:20:05Z] mystiiq hey, is there any jekyll plugins for a simple image gallery?
+ [2013-07-03T07:57:36Z] bret mystiiq, where are you hosting?
+ [2013-07-03T07:58:11Z] bret there might be some easy drop in flickr type javacript things
+ [2013-07-03T07:58:42Z] bret you can also check http://jekyllrb.com/docs/plugins/ if you are not running in safemode
+ [2013-07-03T07:58:54Z] bret looks like there are some plugins for making embeds easier