+ [2014-08-24T22:51:40Z] bret you will have to find a liquid filter that can count an array https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers
+ [2014-08-24T22:52:27Z] bret {{ site.data.people | size }} possibly?
+ [2014-08-24T23:10:37Z] t` bret: Thanks
+ [2014-08-24T23:10:47Z] bret did it work?
+ [2014-08-24T23:11:02Z] t` yes

message no. 42321

Posted by stef1a in #jekyll at 2014-08-24T16:31:24Z

pontiki: each time i write a post, i don't want to figure out what to name the file. i want the filename to be generated for me (based on, say, today's date, and the title: line in the frontmatter)
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:12Z] rmetzger Hi guys, I have a quick question regarding Jekyll: we are using this plugin: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/flink/_plugins/tocify.rb
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:20Z] rmetzger to dynamically render a TOC
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:47Z] rmetzger the issue is that the tool is including source comments starting with # into generated TOC as well
+ [2014-08-25T14:00:47Z] jaybe rmetzger, fwiw, kramdown markdown engine provides for ToC