+[2013-07-05T16:03:11Z]GeekOnCoffeeappears there is no issue tab on the repo anymore? +[2013-07-05T17:54:02Z]pontikiyes, i noticed that as well +[2013-07-05T17:54:38Z]pontikimakes me feel a wee ifffyabout using it +[2013-07-05T17:54:51Z]pontikibut things seem to be working +[2013-07-06T22:43:23Z]Ensignfoohey hey
+[2013-07-07T10:48:53Z]steveo__Hi, is anyone able to give me a hand with a permalink issue I'm having (I'm n00b) +[2013-07-07T11:06:43Z]steveo__nm, I'll play around a bit more, then tweet @octopress instead. cheers +[2013-07-07T13:07:54Z]nate`Morning. +[2013-07-07T13:16:30Z]millisamiThere is a link at http://octopress.org/help/ that says to post issue on GH http://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues, but its a dead link. Why this? Where to post an issue? +[2013-07-07T13:16:39Z]millisamianyone, direction?