+ [2014-09-02T17:57:25Z] frenda I'm working on this jekyll template: https://github.com/mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll (it's forked)
+ [2014-09-02T17:58:46Z] frenda But
+ [2014-09-02T17:58:46Z] frenda I'm going to RTL it! I have made some changes in main.css file here: https://github.com/mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll/tree/master/css
+ [2014-09-02T17:59:12Z] frenda The changes are not affected on the site!
+ [2014-09-02T17:59:47Z] frenda Am I working on the correct files: https://github.com/mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll/tree/master/css ?

message no. 44358

Posted by dean[h] in #jekyll at 2014-09-02T09:08:12Z

Morning. My jekyll build process has got pretty slow in the last couple of days. It's hard to pinpoint what is causing it. Any ideas what I can look into? The jekyll build command gives me no useful output or debug so i can see what's happening?
+ [2014-09-03T02:17:20Z] sivy good evening... I set up a github pages site, and used the auto-generator to make a page from my readme.md
+ [2014-09-03T02:17:40Z] sivy then i changed it to use an index.md with jekyll front matter
+ [2014-09-03T02:17:49Z] sivy and it now loads with no styling.
+ [2014-09-03T02:18:05Z] sivy is there a way to get the styling that the auto-generator used?
+ [2014-09-03T02:19:06Z] jaybe identify why there is no styling. examine the html and determine what resources are being called (css) and at what url/uri ... and why they are not correct. then fix it.