+ [2013-07-07T18:39:23Z] nate` So if I reboot a machine it comes up and nginx can proxy to it?
+ [2013-07-07T18:40:00Z] nate` the commands I have in /etc/init work, but I get the following error: /usr/bin/env: ruby_noexec_wrapper: No such file or directory
+ [2013-07-07T19:08:01Z] nate` ah, fuck it. rc.local it is.
+ [2013-07-08T14:14:03Z] inque Hello!
+ [2013-07-08T19:34:37Z] inque Is there any possibility to count post reads?

message no. 4505

Posted by inque in #octopress at 2013-07-08T19:34:37Z

Is there any possibility to count post reads?
+ [2013-07-09T07:24:40Z] pontiki add google analytics
+ [2013-07-09T10:01:27Z] inque Hello?
+ [2013-07-10T18:34:50Z] tobobo Hi all, is there a way to use the rake preview command to serve with ssl locally? If not, what would be the best way to set up local ssl connections to an octopress blog?
+ [2013-07-10T19:03:04Z] pontiki no, it's just running webrick
+ [2013-07-10T19:03:21Z] pontiki and the point is that you gen a static site