+ [2014-09-08T20:11:10Z] sanjoyd jaybe: thanks! I didn't find anything in the kramdown docs.
+ [2014-09-08T20:11:26Z] sanjoyd So I've resorted to ending my post with a ## Footnotes. :)
+ [2014-09-08T20:17:22Z] jaybe sanjoyd, there ya go; you could use an {% include footnotes.html %} so its global and if you ever want to update the (global) style, it's a single file change :)
+ [2014-09-08T23:13:43Z] bret shit, just accidentally emailed the pages-gem
+ [2014-09-08T23:13:48Z] bret oops

message no. 46369

Posted by Trynemjoel in #jekyll at 2014-09-08T12:29:35Z

Arr0way: It might be best to set up Heroku to do the actual build tho, it's sort of what Heroku is for. If you're just looking to host the static sites there might be other/cheaper alternatives.
+ [2014-09-09T00:00:52Z] parkr bret: "just emailed the pages-gem"?
+ [2014-09-09T00:05:36Z] bret i accidentally sent an email to an issue on the pages-gem github repo
+ [2014-09-09T02:52:08Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] pathawks/jekyll#10 (Update-Liquid-Links) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/pathawks/jekyll/builds/34774487
+ [2014-09-09T04:45:47Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] pathawks/jekyll#11 (Update-Liquid-Links) The build has errored. http://travis-ci.org/pathawks/jekyll/builds/34779357
+ [2014-09-09T07:51:20Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] pathawks/jekyll#14 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/pathawks/jekyll/builds/34787471