+ [2013-05-12T23:39:35Z] jaybe mojobot image abuse
+ [2013-05-12T23:39:58Z] jaybe cack/sigh - that's not at all the humor i was aiming for
+ [2013-05-12T23:40:15Z] dmison yeah, a bit hit and miss
+ [2013-05-12T23:48:41Z] jaybe _config.yml : keel_files is not defined in the documentation
+ [2013-05-12T23:48:48Z] jaybe s/keep_files

message no. 47

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2013-05-12T23:39:58Z

cack/sigh - that's not at all the humor i was aiming for
+ [2013-05-13T00:10:08Z] jaybe grabbed 1.0.2. ruby 2.0.0-p0. attempted `rate test`. fails. some of first output: "Warning: you should require 'minitest/autorun' instead." am i missing something?
+ [2013-05-13T00:10:39Z] jaybe (did a `bundle` first)
+ [2013-05-13T00:11:17Z] parkr rake test should be fine
+ [2013-05-13T00:11:23Z] parkr did you do bundle exec rake test?
+ [2013-05-13T00:11:40Z] jaybe no; should i call it that way?