+[2014-09-16T15:17:45Z]pontikiis this room growing in members? +[2014-09-16T15:20:46Z]jaybeeys +[2014-09-16T15:20:51Z]jaybesigh - "yes" :) +[2014-09-16T15:21:25Z]jaybeit's grown ~25% in the past 8-9 months +[2014-09-16T15:24:17Z]pontikithat's cool
hi.. if I have the header nav links set up like the initial jekyll example proposes.. how can I order them the way I want?
+[2014-09-17T02:34:16Z]scottrbcan anyone recommend a way in which I could use the months name (instead of number) in a permalink? +[2014-09-17T02:34:44Z]anomalystman date +[2014-09-17T02:36:02Z]jaybescottrb, not dynamically +[2014-09-17T02:36:14Z]jaybenot by default +[2014-09-17T02:36:37Z]anomalysttouch `date +`