+[2014-10-09T23:23:06Z]pedro_morganVxJasonxV: am trying to get in touch.. but no answers yet.... +[2014-10-09T23:23:30Z]gitinfoFor bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support +[2014-10-09T23:23:30Z]VxJasonxVyou can always contact !sgc, but talking to someone who can add you back directly will likely be faster +[2014-10-09T23:23:52Z]VxJasonxV(support may also say that you need to contact one of them and may not do it for you, but I Don't know that for sure, just a guess) +[2014-10-09T23:24:48Z]pedro_morganVxJasonxV: yep,, have contacted support already... ..am just suprised I could remove myself.. without some kinda warning, unless I was so tired etc.. !
but i dont know if they let me any year if i put 2014
+[2014-10-10T00:06:36Z]wallbrokenhi +[2014-10-10T00:07:06Z]wallbrokendoes github offer private project collaboration for free? +[2014-10-10T00:08:58Z]thibaultchaIf you have a plan with private repositories, you can add anybody as a collaborator. +[2014-10-10T00:09:19Z]thibaultchaSo if you manage to have a plan with private repos for free, yes +[2014-10-10T00:39:11Z]wallbrokenthibaultcha, my question was a little bit different