+[2014-10-15T00:50:20Z]bretor jekyll? +[2014-10-15T00:50:59Z]jaybei believe bundler just references what is in the gemfile +[2014-10-15T00:51:21Z]jaybeso you could prsumably [try to] comment out redcarpet as dependency [maybe] +[2014-10-15T00:55:33Z]bretyuk, that requires tracking with a modified gemfile +[2014-10-15T08:58:52Z]pontikihi
+[2014-10-16T00:35:56Z]b-jazzignore #jekyll JOINS QUITS +[2014-10-16T00:37:07Z]b-jazzoops. so let me follow that up with a question. where is a good place to ask questions about Liquid? +[2014-10-16T00:37:42Z]b-jazzI want to test if an item is a member of a list. Is that possible with Liquid? +[2014-10-16T00:38:26Z]jaybesee the topic; liquid for desingers +[2014-10-16T00:38:30Z]jaybes/designers