+ [2014-10-18T17:15:26Z] bb010g Is there a way to get the Octocat back when you read all of your notifications?
+ [2014-10-18T17:44:04Z] Seveas bb010g: nope.
+ [2014-10-18T17:50:14Z] Nevik user stylesheets :3
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:13Z] towski gist makefiles don't seem to preserve the tabs that makefiles need
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:19Z] towski https://gist.github.com/towski/c5e77b7c334fae6907c6/download#

message no. 54366

Posted by Nevik in #github at 2014-10-18T12:54:23Z

jitendravyas: jekyll is the only build-option that github offers to build for you. you can use any static page generator (locally on your machine or on another server you have access to) and put the build results on github Pages
+ [2014-10-19T03:31:09Z] hmsimha does anyone know how to use the github API to get the number of total commits made to a repository?
+ [2014-10-19T03:35:54Z] offby1 towski: I would argue that's a feature
+ [2014-10-19T03:36:23Z] offby1 towski: Makefiles are one of the very few things that actually care about tabs-versus-spaces, and in theory, anyone who uses a Makefile should know that
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:02Z] towski well I mean, it's an edge case, but who wants to manually tab a makefile they download
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:09Z] towski I guess it keeps people from using make