+ [2014-10-18T17:15:26Z] bb010g Is there a way to get the Octocat back when you read all of your notifications?
+ [2014-10-18T17:44:04Z] Seveas bb010g: nope.
+ [2014-10-18T17:50:14Z] Nevik user stylesheets :3
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:13Z] towski gist makefiles don't seem to preserve the tabs that makefiles need
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:19Z] towski https://gist.github.com/towski/c5e77b7c334fae6907c6/download#

message no. 54367

Posted by Nevik in #github at 2014-10-18T12:55:00Z

once you set up a build script and workflow, that's basically the same overhead as using Pages with jekyll
+ [2014-10-19T03:31:09Z] hmsimha does anyone know how to use the github API to get the number of total commits made to a repository?
+ [2014-10-19T03:35:54Z] offby1 towski: I would argue that's a feature
+ [2014-10-19T03:36:23Z] offby1 towski: Makefiles are one of the very few things that actually care about tabs-versus-spaces, and in theory, anyone who uses a Makefile should know that
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:02Z] towski well I mean, it's an edge case, but who wants to manually tab a makefile they download
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:09Z] towski I guess it keeps people from using make