+ [2014-10-24T14:57:27Z] gigabytes a little question
+ [2014-10-24T14:57:40Z] gigabytes how can I tune the order in which pages appear in the site.pages collection?
+ [2014-10-24T14:58:07Z] gigabytes I'm doing {{ for page in site.pages }}ecc...{{ endfor }} to create the main menu of the homepage
+ [2014-10-24T14:58:39Z] gigabytes and second question: can I detect which is the current page, so I can highlight the link?

message no. 55621

Posted by gigabytes in #jekyll at 2014-10-24T14:57:40Z

how can I tune the order in which pages appear in the site.pages collection?
+ [2014-10-25T00:56:46Z] Keavon Hello
+ [2014-10-25T01:09:42Z] Keavon I am trying to use collections ( http://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/ ) but they're not working. {{ site.functions }} turns up empty
+ [2014-10-25T01:10:23Z] Keavon and I have the folder _functions in my site's root and I have `collections:\n - functions` in my _config.yml
+ [2014-10-25T01:13:14Z] iamcarrico Keavon just as a check, what version of Jekyll are you running?
+ [2014-10-25T01:25:26Z] Keavon iamcarrico: How do I check that?