+[2013-07-26T21:23:49Z]pontikinothing at all +[2013-07-26T21:32:20Z]piercerayThanks for the help. Reinstalled Ruby 2.0 and it worked just fine this time. Not sure what failed last time. +[2013-07-26T21:32:35Z]pontikicosmic rays +[2013-07-26T21:32:41Z]pontikiOW +[2013-07-26T21:32:44Z]pontikiright in the eye
+[2013-07-28T20:05:06Z]mnemnionA question: is there a good way to privately publish a post? That is, deploy it, but not in the main blog and not at the final permalink, rather at a temporary location that isn't robot.txt'd and can be shared around? +[2013-07-28T20:05:32Z]mnemnionI'm hoping for something I can specify in the front matter +[2013-07-29T01:30:54Z]pontikiyou could make an unlinked page instead of a post? +[2013-07-30T02:43:51Z]tbjersHey, anyone awake in here? +[2013-07-30T02:44:08Z]tbjersGot a question about category indexes generated with the category_generator plugin... When the pages are generated the markdown doesn't seem to be processed in the posts, any ideas what I can do to fix?