+[10 years ago]einballI'm looking at it at the moment +[10 years ago]einballCopypasting seems to work +[10 years ago]einballWhen the CSS is up I'll try to find replacements for the JB scripts +[10 years ago]einballAaand CSS pitfalls :) +[10 years ago]einball*pours some black magic into the css file and stirs*
did you create a repo named alajarvela.github.io ?
+[10 years ago]einballpontiki: Raw Jekyll is a lot easier to work with. thanks. +[10 years ago]pontikicool, einball +[10 years ago]travis-cijekyll/jekyll#4750 (master) The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/41835727 +[10 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org) +[10 years ago]travis-cijekyll/jekyll#4752 (release-2-5-2) The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/41839843