+[2014-11-23T23:55:50Z]jekyllrbTitle: jekyll/convertible.rb at master · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com) +[2014-11-23T23:58:55Z]iamcarricoRuby is not my strong point, but this has been an adventure. I think I get how this is doing its stuff. Much thanks parkr +[2014-11-23T23:58:57Z]iamcarricoparkr++ +[2014-11-23T23:59:03Z]parkrHappy to help! +[2014-11-23T23:59:06Z]parkrDid you fix those tests?
Title: jekyll/convertible.rb at master · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+[2014-11-24T00:00:19Z]iamcarricoNot entirely, but I am being kicked out of this coffee house. +[2014-11-24T00:01:02Z]iamcarricoI just have to figure out how to pass along the write information to get what I need. Which shouldn't be too hard now that I know where to look for it. +[2014-11-24T00:01:30Z]iamcarricoI shall be back on once I drive home to finish this though. +[2014-11-24T00:14:43Z]parkriamcarrico: I think I found your problem +[2014-11-24T00:14:58Z]parkrWhen you specify a post, don't include the "_posts" in the initialize args