+ [2014-12-20T16:08:12Z] jiraiyah called index.md !
+ [2014-12-20T16:09:54Z] jaybe ;)
+ [2014-12-20T16:10:18Z] jaybe jiraiyah, 1. not knocking windows, but - bleh. 2. if suing windows, "cygwin" provides unix tools for windows
+ [2014-12-20T16:11:04Z] jaybe extremely helpful (for me anyway)

message no. 67439

Posted by lauri_ in #jekyll at 2014-12-20T08:18:33Z

Hello, I am looking a way to aggregate several RSS feeds to my Jekyll instance. What would be the suggested way to do that?
+ [2014-12-21T02:59:20Z] pontiki hello o/ :)
+ [2014-12-21T04:22:11Z] johnf hi can't seem to find the answer this, when I use {% highlight %} the first line is always left aligned. Any ideas on how to print the first line as it is in the post.
+ [2014-12-21T04:27:30Z] johnf ah nevermind think I have it sorted it out sorry for the noise
+ [2014-12-21T07:29:27Z] Ademan Am I crazy or does this error info not contain the source file that's the problem? https://gist.github.com/Ademan/6937a65dcb9ad3630380
+ [2014-12-21T07:29:28Z] jekyllrb Title: gist:6937a65dcb9ad3630380 (at gist.github.com)