+ [2014-12-29T15:18:09Z] jekyllrb xyh: http://www.developmentseed.org/blog/multilingual-jekyll-sites/ . ( 15:18:55 ) <jaybe> check out ... whatis multilingual for info about multi-language sites wit ...)
+ [2014-12-29T15:18:09Z] jaybe xyh, check out `whatis multilingual` for info about multi-language sites with jekyll
+ [2014-12-29T22:41:30Z] parkr Hey guys.
+ [2014-12-29T22:41:44Z] parkr Any issues in particular that you would like to see tackled for Jekyll 3.0?
+ [2014-12-29T22:41:56Z] parkr Props to those of you who submit a PR :)

message no. 68743

Posted by travis-ci in #jekyll at 2014-12-29T04:10:57Z

jekyll/jekyll-docs#11 (add-tests) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-docs/builds/45323467
+ [2014-12-30T00:34:55Z] blackjid_ hi!, I'm trying to use the jekyll-compose plugin, but no new commands show up in the command line
+ [2014-12-30T00:37:42Z] parkr blackjid_: Is it in the jekyll_plugins Gemfile group?
+ [2014-12-30T00:38:17Z] blackjid_ group :jekyll_plugins do