+[2014-12-30T14:21:16Z]jaybe[08:20:30] < krasimir> jaybe : is there no workaround +[2014-12-30T14:21:15Z]jaybe[08:19:56] < jaybe> krasimir, that is how ssl works. if you wish to communicate over ssl, you must configure ssl. +[2014-12-30T14:21:17Z]jaybe... +[2014-12-30T20:13:16Z]killtheliterateWhat is the best way to build a JSON API with Jekyll? Is a plugin the only option if I'd like each piece of content at its own URL? +[2014-12-30T22:59:34Z]killtheliterateSo, I've been trying to construct a generator to create json copies of posts, but i'm getting tripped up on Generator class. It seems like _site is getting wiped out? 'Cause I'm having trouble writing to that directory from within that class
message no. 69179
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-12-30T14:21:17Z
+[2014-12-31T11:34:19Z]Besnik_bHello. I’m trying to install Jekyll over a Siduction box, Ruby 2.1.0 (just updated). $gem install jekyll returns “ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.” +[2014-12-31T11:35:18Z]Besnik_b“usr/bin/ruby2.1 extconf.rb” +[2014-12-31T11:35:21Z]Besnik_b... +[2014-12-31T11:35:39Z]Besnik_b“extconf failed, exit code 1” +[2014-12-31T11:36:24Z]Besnik_bHow should I fix that?