+ [2015-01-12T23:56:28Z] HSL but if I start with php I just could have built the whole blog in there :)
+ [2015-01-12T23:56:53Z] jaybe that implies server-side involvement
+ [2015-01-12T23:57:06Z] jaybe there is probably a javascript or java option
+ [2015-01-12T23:57:22Z] jaybe that's what web servers are for
+ [2015-01-12T23:58:39Z] HSL yeah, well something for tomorrows list :)

message no. 72445

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-01-12T00:10:15Z

+ [2015-01-13T00:01:14Z] jaybe nginx: location /nope { location /residents/ { auth_basic "Nope."; auth_basic_user_file conf.d/auth_yups.cred; } }
+ [2015-01-13T00:21:12Z] HSL jaybe: thx!
+ [2015-01-13T00:21:22Z] jaybe HSL, welcome :)
+ [2015-01-13T02:00:21Z] bl4ckdu5t I'm trying to use jeekyll-assets for the first time https://github.com/ixti/jekyll-assets
+ [2015-01-13T02:00:23Z] jekyllrb Title: ixti/jekyll-assets ยท GitHub (at github.com)