+ [2015-01-14T16:29:59Z] jaybe i'm not knocking or being negative; just for me -- no interest without self hosted support.
+ [2015-01-14T16:50:03Z] HSL jaybe: yeah, I barfed a little too, but it's the only way to put a part of the site behind a password
+ [2015-01-14T16:52:20Z] jaybe HSL, it's not the 'only' way; but it's a way. :)
+ [2015-01-14T16:52:53Z] jaybe for example, nginx supports basic http auth, ... basic http auth over https, ... as well as http digest auth... via web server configuration, instead of via/through/over heavy filthy php. ;)

message no. 73135

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-01-14T01:09:18Z

+ [2015-01-15T23:17:41Z] dopie [af510adf] Command: cd /var/www/blog/current && /usr/bin/env jekyll build
+ [2015-01-15T23:17:41Z] dopie DEBUG [af510adf] /usr/bin/env: jekyll: No such file or directory
+ [2015-01-15T23:17:50Z] dopie its not finding my jekyll
+ [2015-01-15T23:17:54Z] dopie how do i make it find it?
+ [2015-01-16T00:09:32Z] jaybe dopie, how did you install jekyll?