+ [2015-01-24T00:34:42Z] jiiam which I split with {{ page.id | replace_first: '/','' | replace: '/'.'-' }}
+ [2015-01-24T04:25:22Z] oniichaNj I'm completely new to ruby and jekyll overall. I get this crash upon trying to serve, http://sprunge.us/gCEJ , am i missing some dependency? 2.5.3, Gentoo
+ [2015-01-24T04:25:40Z] oniichaNj tried with both ruby19 and ruby20 as my default, same result
+ [2015-01-24T04:26:55Z] oniichaNj The error "message" differs and seems to be random between every crash
+ [2015-01-24T04:31:15Z] oniichaNj I also tried reinstalling jekyll right now, with ruby20 set, as my Debian install mentioned a dependency needing redcarpet >= 1.9.2. It still crashes, with the difference of the paths being 2.0.0 instead of 1.9.1.

message no. 74931

Posted by Terabyte in #jekyll at 2015-01-24T00:00:19Z

site.baseurl rather
+ [2015-01-25T16:02:24Z] jaybe howdy
+ [2015-01-25T16:02:32Z] matrixise is there a plugin for the integration of elasticsearch with jekyll ?
+ [2015-01-25T16:02:59Z] jaybe googled: https://github.com/tjun/jekyll-elasticsearch
+ [2015-01-25T16:03:00Z] jekyllrb Title: tjun/jekyll-elasticsearch ยท GitHub (at github.com)