+ [2015-01-27T17:34:50Z] mrtn Any existing and usable solutions for having a "wiki" kind of thing within jekyll ?
+ [2015-01-27T17:35:42Z] mrtn or some helpers for working with pages and tags and a way to list pages of given tags within markdown and to link easily to a keyword (probably page)
+ [2015-01-27T22:23:42Z] kristian-aalborg anyone here using jekyll-scholar...? I'm trying to get the URL field to work
+ [2015-01-27T22:46:51Z] mchelen kristian-aalborg: what problem are you having with it?

message no. 75179

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-01-27T00:38:33Z

empty front matter is fine
+ [2015-01-28T01:43:58Z] kristian-aalborg I need the url field in the bibtex to wield a link in the html output
+ [2015-01-28T01:45:34Z] kristian-aalborg but I guess it will be some other time - it's 3AM here